Categories:Gender, Television Episode Episode D.O.A.
This was only mild TG. It could have been so much more. The main
character detective was visited by an old friends ghost and wanted
her to find his body. After some checking she finds he is alive,
but not quite the same person. Turns out another spirit was body
jumping to better and better bodies and had to change gender with
each change. He attemted to take the female detectives body but
failed. His main goal was to take a super hot asain womans body who
was a gang leader. The main problem was that none of the changes
were on screen, and the first changes were before the start of the
episode and he failed the last change so during the episode there
were no actual changes.
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by ROBO on 2007-11-12, 3 edits, entryid=7785
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