- Categories:Animal, Age, Gender, Human, Movie
- Original Release Date: August 10, 2007
- �Paramount Pictures
You can see "Girl Bernard" in a very brief appearance in the
movie's trailer.
The character was called "Brevis" in Stardust the book. A very
minor character.
"Bernard" gets turned into quite a busty tavern wench. If you see
the trailer on apple.com, there's a scene where the evil witch
played by Michelle Pfeiffer conjures up an inn in a bright green
kaleidoscope of CGI effects. Standing on either side of her are a
guy with a white beard who (in the book at least) started out as a
billy goat and a woman who started out as the boy Brevis/Bernard.
Info & image links courtesy of message board posts by Funglius,
Corwin, and Bob
Several Transformation scenes in this movie, one man to goat, goat
to man, Man to woman, and man to mouse Info courtesy of submission by The Guyver
Age Regression/Age Progression
The witch Lamia (Michelle Pfeiffer) consumes the final piece of an
old star, and is changed from an old woman, into a young healthy
woman. She regains her full head of hair, and looses all of her
wrinkles. Her breasts and ass regain their original shape as well.
As she uses her magic, she begins to age rapidly back into her
older form. The more she uses it, the quicker she ages. By the end,
she is back to her original shape, with little hair. One scene
shows her cast a spell which causes her breasts to again sag.
Animal to Human/Human to Animal
Lamia in search of the fallen star comes across Ditchwater Sal
(Melanie Hill), who has her slave bring something for Lamia to
drink. Her slave is Una (Kate Magowan) who starts out as a bird,
but changes into a woman to serve the witch. She is then changed
back when she is done.
Human to Animal/Animal to Human/Male to Female
In the movie, Bernard (Jake Curran) is transformed by Lamia into a
billy goat and she steals Bernard's other goat to pull her wagon.
Later, Lamia sets a trap to catch Yvaine (Claire Danes), by
creating a inn. She changes both goats into humans, Bernard
changing back into his original form, and the other goat becoming
Billy (Mark Williams). Lamia then changes Bernard into a woman
(Olivia Grant) who she tells will play the part of her daughter. As
a woman, he is interested in his new body, and attempts to play
with his breasts at one time. He only speaks once in the stable
when asked his name, he replies with a very deep mannish voice that
he is Bernard.
Later, a unicorn strikes Billy, and reverts it back into Goat form,
and Bernard returns to his male form when Lamia changes the Inn
back into nothing.
Human to Animal/Animal to Human
When Tristan (Charlie Cox ) encounters Ditchwater Sal, he offers
her his good luck flower for a safe trip to Wall. Once he gives it
to her, she changes him into a mouse. Once they arrive at their
destination, she changes him back to a human. He is aware of
everything that happens while he was in mouse form.
Tristan takes a lock of Yvaine's hair back across the Wall and
finds that it turns to dust. If a star passes from Stormhold into
the human realm, it will become a lump of rock. She is spared this
Bernard and his goat before...
Bernard as a goat being used by Lamia
Bernard as the wench with his goat
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by cj on 2007-07-10, 5 edits, entryid=7634
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