- Categories:male, gender, inanimate, Movie
- (c)1967, Hong Kong Shaw Brothers, Musical, Mandarin with English
Subtitles, US dvd through Image entertainment
Journey to the East Tale involving the Monk , Wu-Jing, Monkey King
and Pigsy. They Run into female Spider Demons who believe they will
become immortal by eating the Monks flesh.
Click to show spoiler
Zhygvcyr funcr fuvsgf ol frireny punenpgref. Srznyr Fcvqre Qrzba
vagb Rnegu Ybeq, Zbaxrl vagb 2 qvssrerag srznyr qrzbaf, Cvtfl naq
gur zbax rkpunatr sbezf. Znyr qrzba gnxrf uhzna sbez. Cvtfl vagb
anonymously posted on 2007-06-14, 3 edits, entryid=7605
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