Categories:Alien, Video Game PS2 Game
A fantastic series of sci-fi RPG's that have a plot so complicated
it takes 3 games to go through the whole thing. I highly recommend
There is a type of alien known as the Gnosis that is a huge threat
to the star cluster, and you fight them often in the game.
Apparently, anyone who isn't killed by a Gnosis later turns into
Seriously, though, this series is great; don't play them just for
the transformative content.
Click to show spoiler
Vg vf erirnyrq arne gur raq bs gur guveq tnzr gung gur Tabfvf qb
abg vasrpg crbcyr naq znxr gurz genafsbez hajvyyvatyl, ohg znxr
gurz srry fbeebj naq erwrpg, naq H-QB, juvpu vf rffragvnyyl Tbq,
ernpgf gb gung fbeebj naq tvirf gurz gur gbbyf gb gnxr eriratr ba
gur jbeyq.
anonymously posted on 2007-06-04, 1 edit, entryid=7587
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