- Categories:Gender, Animal, Female, Book
- Title: "Dark Moon Defender"
- ISBN 0-441-01430-5
This is the third book of Shinn's "Twelve Houses" series. As in the
previous books "Mystic and Rider" and "The Thirteenth House"
shiftlings Kirra Danalustrous and Donnal are mentioned somewhat
often (though far less than the second book). They are frequently
in animal shapes (hunting birds, horses etc.), but there are brief
mentions of them in other human forms; they each do at least one
very brief gender TF, and Kirra disguises herself as other women.
The focus of this book, however, is on Justin, a King's Rider, and
his falling for Ellynor, a novice at the convent of the Daughters
of the Pale Moon. As in "Thirteenth House," Justin proves he is not
immune to Kirra's shiftling magic.
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Xveen hfrf ure cbjre gb punatr Whfgva vagb n unjx frireny gvzrf.
Gurer vf, ubjrire, bar frdhrapr (ynfgvat frireny cntrf) arne gur
raq jura gurl zhfg erfphr Ryylabe sebz orvat rkrphgrq ng gur
pbairag. Xveen genafsbezf Whfgva vagb n qbhoyr sbe Ryylabe va beqre
sbe ure gb rfpbeg gur bevtvany bhg fnsryl, naq gur Evqre pnaabg
uryc ohg pbzzrag ba gur fgenatrarff bs uvf/ure genafsbezrq obql.
originally posted by DaveS on 2007-04-18, 1 edit, entryid=7513
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