- Categories:Female, Television Episode
A series from down under starring a young Health Ledger. He leads a
collition of Celtic tribes against an evil roman - their armys are
ledby an evil Queen Diana she has a 400 year old wizard who was the
soldier who stabed Jesus with the spear & he can not die. The
series has been shown on the Sci channel.
Catlin the lovely female Lt. of the hero is possessed by the spirit
of her dead sister, Amalia who was sold to a leper whore master and
died cursing Catlin. She wants revenge on Catlin and plans to kill
her and turn her into a leper. Sores break out on her face.To spare
the woman he loves the hero makes a bargin with the immorral wizard
and the evil queen.
The best scene in the show is when the crazy wizard offes the dead
girl's spirit the Queen's body. "Be a Queen, be beautiful and
powerful, sleep on soft beds command yor own slaves." Diana is
horrifed as the girl agrees and approaches the bound queen's body.
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Gurl nyzbfg fjgvpu ohg gur ureb ehfurf va naq fgbcf vg. Gur ureb vf
noyr gb gb erzvaq gur cbffrffvat fcveg gung fur ernyyl ybirf ure
fvfgre naq fur vf pherq bs ungr naq yrnirf gb tb gb urnira.
originally posted by guest (Eric) on 2006-03-20, no edits, entryid=742
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