Categories:Animal, Mythical, Book
An artist write tales about an almost-omnipotent superfox Franky.
When his youngest son asks him about the realism of that story, he
honestly answers "yes!", Because Franky saved him during a World
To prove it, he starts a journey to meet a German soldier whom he
saved too, where he makes an unpleasant discovery:Click to show spoiler
Va gur shgher, sbkrf orpbzrf gur qbzvanag fcrpvrf ba Rnegu naq abj
gurl'er perngvat n pbafcvenpl va gur cnfg gb cercner uhznaf sbe n
ebyr nf gurve crgf. Ohg va gur raq, erirnyf gung ernyyl ur vf n
Sheob naq nyy uvf snzvyl ner sbkrf haqre uhzna pbire
There is one nested short tale too, when a boy finds fox dust and
changes into fox. Then Furbo helped him to regain humanity.
anonymously posted on 2007-02-09, 1 edit, entryid=7325
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