Very good show. Women are killed around the Country with their
lungs full a silver compound. The show is very well acted by the lead. Incidental transformation.
Dresden's Ghost friends asumes very briefly the shapes of these he
is investigating by touching the bloods left behind, including male
suspect and a woman that turned out to be a werewolf. A female FBI
agent falsely puts Dresden into jail to get him out of the way.
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N penml SOV ntrag jub unf orra ghearq vagb n jrer jbys vf gheavat
vaabprag tveyf vagb jrer jbyirf naq gura xvyyvat gurz. Vs fur xvyyf
9 jrer jbyirf gur phefr jvyy or yvsgrq sbe ure. Qerfqra gevrf gb
fgbc ure naq ure cnegare. Naq gur fprarf orgjrra uvz naq gur ynfg
tvey ner gbhpuvat naq jryy npgrq.
originally posted by Eric on 2007-02-11, 6 edits, entryid=7324
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