- Categories:Video, Gender, Mythical
- The transformations are in episodes 27, 28, & 29.
Video of several stills shot to form a story.
There are a few transformations hinted at in the descriptive text.
One transformation per episode. (???)
I'm not understanding the meaning of the following, original
description and will remove it unless someone else edits it - cj
This is episode 14 a single act production model designed to be reassembled into new
product and for ease and low cost of production The thing is specifically assembled so that timing will cause cel
78 with the catchy words to appear in Youtubes preview window http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fl3uAz61Gk
Kinglake-Tour Doggie Partnership
anonymously posted on 2007-02-08, 3 edits, entryid=7323
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