Categories:Comic Book, Gender, Russian
Russian comic series where two main heroes - Dara and her partner
Cooler - travels through different computer games.
"Dara" is a russian comic strip, once posted in MegaGame magazine.
It doesn't exist anymore and comic remains unfinished. Still some
of it's episodes contain huge transformation elements.
The main heroes of comics are female agent Dara and her partner
Cooler - hacker and inventor. Once, Cooler built a machine that
could transport people into computer games. Dara was his first
guinea pig testing that machine, but Cooler accidentally fell into
the portal too.
Unfortunately for Cooler, there was one little condition - people
must be naked to travel through the portal, in order to remain
themselves and get all the necessary equipment to survive in the
new world. But since Cooler was wearing clothes, he transforms into
one of game characters every time he passes through the portal.
Click to show spoiler
Va 'Dhnxr VV' ur jnf punatrq vagb qebvq-genafcbegre; va 'Qenxna' --
n qentba; va 'Jvat Pbzznaqre' -- na nyvra naq fb ba. Va guvf vffhr
gurl tbg gb gur jbeyq bs 'Gbzo Envqre' naq Pbbyre gheaf vagb Ynen
The comics are no longer copyrighted, and are in the Russian
anonymously posted on 2007-02-09, 4 edits, entryid=7312
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