Categories:Furry, Movie
In a small town, some people ("Markers") transform into half-human,
half-goat creatures.
Click to show spoiler
Gur genafsbezngvbaf fubja ba-fperra vaibyir cevznevyl n grrantr
tvey tebjvat ubeaf. Bgure punenpgref unir zber nqinaprq naq
rynobengr ubeaf, ubjrire gurve genafsbezngvbaf ner abg fubja va gur
zbivr. Jr ner gbyq gung byqre Znexre jbzra qrirybc unvel yrtf, naq
ng bar cbvag nabgure punenpgre vf fubja gb unir n tbng yrt, r.t.,
The transformation is central to the plot and reasonably well
Viewed on Vongo (http://www.vongo.com), aka Starz. Directed by John
anonymously posted on 2007-01-05, 1 edit, entryid=7236
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