- Categories:Gender, Shapeshifter, Comic Book
Gambit #13
- Title: "The Sunset Dawn Part 2"
- Cover Dates: February 2000
Gambit #14
- Title: "The Sunset Dawn Part 3: Tomorrow Starts Today"
- Cover Date: March 2000
(c) Marvel Comics Series: Gambit, Vol.3
Gambit's friend Jake is a shapeshifter called the Courier. They've
travelled to the past and as part of their mission Gambit has Jake
turn himself into a woman (the change is a little different from
most shapechanges...as it takes Courier hours to do so). Mr.
Sinister captures Jake and reduces him/her to liquid form, when
Gambit makes a deal Sinister restores Jake to the last form he was
using...namely that of the buxom female he'd become. And much to
Jake's chagrin he seems stuck in that form. Courier eventually
regains the ability to shape change, but his primary form is now
the new female shape.
originally posted by Eddie G. on 2000-01-01, 1 edit, entryid=7081
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