- Categories:Gender, Book, Misc
One of the stronger villains is reincarnated by his dark god into a
beautiful woman. This character is introduced in the sixth book,
Lord of Chaos, and makes appearances throughout the rest of the
This is an interesting change, because magic is divided into two
halves; male and female. Aran'gar still uses the male half,
although she now has a female body. She was the Forsaken
'Balthamel' in her previous life, and known for being something of
a lecher.
Also known as the World of Dreams, this realm is introduced early
in the books and plays a large role afterward. It is a dangerous
parallel to the waking world... where a skilled dreamer might alter
themselves or the world around them, and injuries taken have a way
of transferring themselves to reality.
Although the shapeshifting involved is typically cosmetic, some
more extreme shifts occur during the series - "werewolves", changes
in age, monsterism, etc.
originally posted by anonymous on 2000-01-01, 5 edits, entryid=7067
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