- Categories:Gender, Television Episode
- First Aired: May 1, 1998
- Season 2
- Episode 24
- Series: Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
- Guest Cast: hairdresser played by RuPaul
Sabrina's aunts pretend to split up and Sabrina is forced to choose
which one she wants to live with by a male witches council judge.
Sabrina decides to get them back together so she uses a spell to
make her hair fall out and have both the aunts try to fix it. Aunt
Zelda calls in a female hairdresser to work on Sabrina's hair. The
hairdresser is really the judge and he morphs back into himself at
the end of the show.
originally posted by anonymous on 2000-01-01, 1 edit, entryid=6863
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