- Categories:Gender, Gender, Television Episode
- Title "The Unnatural", Series, Sci-fi, shapeshifter
In one of the latest episodes this season, Arthur Dale - a former
Roswell cop - tells Mulder a tale involving the Conspiracy and
baseball. Dale is charged with protecting an up-and-coming black
player in the Minors named Josh Exley who is later revealed to be
one of the shape-shifting Greys. When Dale finally sees "Josh"'s
true identity, he faints and continues to do so every time "Josh"
revives him. The alien decides to take on a form that Dale can
accept and morphs into a *gorgeous* blonde and then sits in Dales'
lap! It's not clear whether the alien plans to seduce Dale or is
just playing with his mind as the scene is interrupted by another
ball player who bursts into the room unexpectedly. Definitely worth
a look! Written and directed by David Duchovny himself.
1. Dale is frightened by Exley's
true alien form ... |
2. ... so he transforms into ...
3. ... an attractive blonde woman. |
4. "Would this be easier for you
to handle?" asks the hot blonde,
still using her previous male voice.
Mulder investigates Josh Exley, a black superstar baseball player
in the minor leagues who lived back in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico.
During his search he comes across Arthur Dales, a retired police
officer whom became friends with Exley and accidently discovered
that Exley was an alien in disguise. In a flashback moment back in
1947, Exley (in male alien form) transforms into a young woman in
front of Dales for two reasons: 1. To prove to Dales that he has
the ability to change into a human being. 2. And to transform into
something more appealing to Dales. Great and twisted X-Files
episode. David Duchovny directed and wrote the story.
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by Kara on 2000-01-01, 1 edit, entryid=6858
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