I just saw a special behind-scenes preview of the new silent hill
movie on cable....the movie is based on the hit horror videogames
and is about a woman searching for her daughter in a deserted town
thats trapped in an evil dimension. *minor spoiler*Click to show spoiler
Gur qverpgbe erivrjrq va gur cerivrj gung znal bs gur tebgrfdhr
perngherf va gur zbivr jrer va snpg bapr uhznaf ohg unq orra
genafsbezrq ol gur rivy sbeprf vagb jrveq perngherf fhpu nf
snpryrff ahefrf va yngrk, n ohgpure jvgu n clenzvq-funcrq urnq, naq
rira gur ebnpurf gung lbh fnj va gur genvyref - jrer nyy bapr
I dont want to give away too much, but heres the link to the
preview that someone was kind enough to upload -
This movie seems to be pretty deep and disturbing and most of
all....decent lookin (unlike other recent videogame movies lol) I
recommend that you all go check it out!
originally posted by guest (nicky) on 2006-04-10, no edits, entryid=670
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