- Categories:Gender, Comic Book
- Title: First There was a Mountain, Then There was No Mountain, Then
There Was
- Cover Date: September 1991
- (c) Innovation Comics
March 25, 1968 Memphis, Tennessee. As a twenty-four year old white
female teacher with predominately black students named Karen
Connors, Sam is presented with three obstacles. First , he must
find a way to hold the attention of 'his' students allowing them to
pass the exam. Second, in doing this he can turn around the life of
the teacher he has leaped into so that she takes the correct career
path. And third, he is in a position to save the life of Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. just days before his assassination. But, is Sam
really there to save him?
originally posted by anonymous on 2000-01-01, 6 edits, entryid=6653
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