- Categories:Gender, Television Episode
JD tries to cope with the idea of having a child, while the Janitor
and Dr Cox tries to cope with seeing patients that remind them of
Click to show spoiler
arne gur raq gurerf n cneg jurer gur cngvragf punatr vagb gur
punenpgre jngpuvat gurz, gur byq zna va gur punve gb gur Wnavgbe,
Qe Pbk naq uvf qrnq natel cngvrag naq WQ jvgu n jbzna jvgu oernfg
pnapre, Fur oevrsyl punatrf gb W.Q (zbecu fubja ba fperra)
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by guest (him) on 2006-12-02, no edits, entryid=66
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