- Categories:Gender, Gender, Gender, Gender, Gender, Gender, Gender, Gender,
Gender, Short Story
- Title "Khen-Draa, Transgendered Warrior", in Cross Talk Magazine,
A dying warrior from the planet Tzarhee, transferred her powers to
a successor, an earth man. He has adventures with Tzarhee cadet
Jhuu-Uhee in female form.
A prejudiced man who wakes up in the hospital as everything he
hates. A gay black man who's gotten a sex change.
An accidental transgender switch in which one of the participants
doesn't want to switch back.
As a princess Fet-Fruners kills the genius and the old witch,
brings back the holy water and wins the princess? So the princess
Iliane turns her into a boy and marries her.
Detective checks into a hotel where people have been disappearing
from. When he wakes up in the morning, he has the body of a young
chorus line dancer.
Prince and princess get their heads exchanged in this fairy tale.

Pictorial feast of Dr. Jekyll's transformation into Ms. Hyde.
A shape changer briefly gets swapped into a woman's body near the
end (Nobody gets out alive is the chapter) Also a woman ends up in
the body of a man for some time.
An abusive father who forced his daughter into whoring meets up
with a sorcerer and gets turned into a woman from the neck down.
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by anonymous on 2000-01-01, 9 edits, entryid=6377
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