Atmospheric horror set on a small island. Peter visits a childhood
friend who has been researching occult matter. Peter suspects his
friend's wife is not what she seems; meanwhile, Peter's cousin Mary
is dealing with the wife's brother.
As I read, I began to suspect there would be a change, but it was a
surprise how it happened.
ISBN 0-7221-3220-4
Click to show spoiler
Gur fhpphohf naq gur vaphohf ner rvgure gur fnzr orvat be funer n
obql--vg vfa'g gbgnyyl pyrne juvpu--naq vg'f erirnyrq ol gur
fhpphohf genafsbezvat va sebag bs Crgre. Nsgre gung gurer ner zber
genafsbezngvbaf, fbzr bs gurz cnegvny.
originally posted by guest (BlueshifTG) on 2006-12-05, no edits, entryid=63
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