- Categories:Gender, Music Video
- By Michael Jackson, On Video
The end of the video is about a minutes worth of face morphing.
Most of the morphs are across gender.
 Glen Chin is the first person who starts off the morphing sequence
who transforms into Tyra Banks. |
 Here is Tyra Banks, the famous supermodel/actress. You can see her
in a few episodes of "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" and the film "Coyote
Ugly". |
 Tyra Banks turns into this ginger haired lady.
 This is now the fourth person in the morphing sequence and now
there is a female to male transformation - The ginger haired woman
turns into this Rasta man, played by Jeffrey Anderson-Gunter. |
 The fifth transformation is the Rasta guy turning into this Indian
woman. |
 The Indian woman next morphs into this dude.
 From muscular black dude into small and thin oriental woman. |
 The oriental woman nexts morphs into this handsome and muscular
white guy. |
 This is the pretty Asian girl most of the people who have commented
like the most.
 The pretty Asian girl, gives up her looks and transforms into this
Latino man. |
 Next this Latino guy transforms into this white guy, Steve
Peterson. Here, this is the only male to male transformation in
this music video. Apparently someone found out the name of this guy
on this page. |
 Steve then morphs into this white lady sideways, but she is seen
very briefly because she then morphs into Cree Summer. Her only
words she says are "It's white".
 This is Cree Summer, the last girl in the morphing sequence.
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by anonymous on 2000-01-01, 1 edit, entryid=6033
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