- Categories:Gender, Movie
- Rated R, (C) 1991, On Video, Cast: (Amanda) Ellen Barkin, (Steve)
Perry King
Steve Brooks, (Perry King) is a notoriously sexist man with a
preference for blondes. One night, three women wronged by him gang
up to murder him after seducing him into thinking that they want to
have a four-way with him in a hot tub.
Given the way Steve has treated women, God isn't sure if Steve
should go to Heaven or not. His one chance to redeem himself is to
find one woman who truly loves him for who he really is. Otherwise,
he becomes the personal property of the Devil (Bruce Payne).
However, the Devil suggests making it more difficult for Steve by
forcing him to return as a woman--an idea embraced by God. Steve is
thus sent back to Earth as a woman, Amanda Brooks (Ellen Barkin),
and now must deal with all of the things women deal with on a daily
basis--makeup, high heels, d�colletage, and panting, pawing macho
males just like him.
It takes a while for Steve/Amanda to get the hang of being female.
Sitting down with his/her legs spread wide open just like a guy is
just one behavior the new Amanda has to unlearn. Amanda must also
convince Steve's old friends, such as his best friend Walter (Jimmy
Smits) that she is really Steve.
Meanwhile the Devil has a bet to win so he pops suddenly from time
to time, leering and smiling, trying to tempt Steve/Amanda away
from his/her soul-saving goal.
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Threads linked to this entry originally posted by anonymous on 2000-01-01, 1 edit, entryid=5751
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