- Categories:Gender, Age, Movie
- Rated PG, (C)1994, 100 min, Animated, On Video, Comedy, Body Suit,
Japanese, Subtitled
- First released in the U.S. and Canada as "Rupan III: Legend of the
Gold of Babylon"
Lupin takes the guise of his beautiful arch enemy Fujiko in order
to infiltrate a wealthy entrepreneur's secret liar. Lupin is taking
photographs of some secret scrolls when the entrepreneur catches
"her." When stabbed, the body suit "blows up" and it is revealed
that the beautiful woman was really Lupin all along.
At the end of the movie, we learn the true identity of the old bag
lady, Rosetta, who sends Lupin on the main adventure of the movie.
Click to show spoiler
Fur'f ernyyl na nyvra jbzna jub jnagf gb tb ubzr. Ebfrggn jnagf
Yhcva gb svaq gur Gbjre bs Onolyba fb gung n fcnprfuvc uvqqra va
Unyyrl'f Pbzrg pna gnxr ure naq gur fbyvq tbyq gbjre ubzr. Nf gur
fcnprfuvc yvsgf gur gbjre bhg bs gur tebhaq va Arj Lbex, Yhcva
znxrf uvf jnl gb gur gbc. Gurer ur frrf Ebfrggn tebj lbhatre,
gnyyre naq ornhgvshy.
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by anonymous on 2000-01-01, 4 edits, entryid=5742
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