- Categories:Inanimate, Television Episode
- Title "It's a GOOD Life", (C) 1961, Magic, Horror, pub Cayuga,
Cast: (Anthony Freemont) Bill Mumy
A small boy wields god-like powers over a community that he has
psychically isolated from the outside world. Reality in this
private little corner of Hell is dictated by his immature desires,
while the helpless adults must endure it all stoically and try to
keep him happy by only thinking GOOD thoughts. During the
celebration of his birthday, a local adult gets drunk and verbally
assualts the boy, at which time he is (permanently) turned into a
jack-in-the-box, shown only in silhouette. Very creepy, one of the
all-time most remembered episodes. This was remade in the
theatrical version of the show in '82, though it was handled much
differently (virtually a comedy).
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by Macaroni on 2000-04-27, no edits, entryid=5478
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