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The Twilight Zone episode Something In the Walls
  • Categories:Misc, Television Episode
  • Title "Something In the Walls", (C) 1989, Body Swap, Body Thief, Horror, pub CBS/MGM TV, Cast: (young woman) Deborah Raffin


In this episode of the updated series, an apparently mentally disturbed young woman is convinced that patterns in wallpaper or wood grain are actually living -- and evil -- entities which can do terrible things to unsuspecting human beings. For her peace of mind, she is confined to a room with entirely blank walls and furniture, and at first this seems to be helping her hypertension. After a hard rain, however, the ceiling begins to leak and forms a sworling pattern on the ceiling. The pattern demons overcome her, steal her body, and make her one of them. She screams for help from the clinic's staff and momentarily manages to create a liquid outline of her own face, but no one sees or hears her as the demon possessing her body leaves the estate. Quite eerie.

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1 Review: The Twilight Zone episode Something In the Walls
Started by Eric
290 months

originally posted by Macaroni on 2000-04-27, no edits, entryid=5477