- Categories:Size, Movie
- (C) 1957, Slow Change, Sci-Fi, On Video, pub American International
One of the best-remembered sci-fiers from the Fifties, this was
shot to capitalize on the unexpected success of THE INCREDIBLE
SHRINKING MAN. Col. Glen Manning leaves his protective trench
during the delayed countdown to an awesome plutonium test explosion
and is caught full force in the radiation. This causes him to grow
from eight to ten feet per day . . . except his heart can't keep up
and he eventually goes insane due to lack of bloodflow to the
brain. Many atmospheric moments and basically a lot of fun, tho, as
with most Bert I. Gordon flicks, the special effects often suck,
leaving Glen seeming more like The Amazing Transparent Man. A rite
of passage for every sci-fi/horror-lovin' kid.
originally posted by Macaroni on 2000-05-06, no edits, entryid=5442
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