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Night Life of the Gods
  • Categories:Inanimate, Movie
  • (C) 1935, 73 mins, Magic, Comedy, Fantasy, pub Universal Pictures


This light fantasy film, long thought to be lost, has, in fact, survived in the archives of UCLA, and bootlegged copies of it are now making the rounds of collectors. Alan Mowbray portrays a wealthy and very eccentric inventor who devises a method of changing living flesh into marble and vice versa, primarily to rid himself of his greedy and annoying relatives. After transforming them into statues, he takes up with the lovely daughter of one of the "little people" (Florine McKinney) and goes about having madcap adventures, including bringing to life eight Greek gods and goddesses by flashing his ray on their statues in the New York museum. These newcomers provide plenty of comic relief, and during the run of the movie, Mowbray changes dozens of men and women to marble while restoring very few of them. While in this state, a person can still see, hear, think, and even make muffled sounds close to speech. In the end, finding himself in dire straits with the authorities for all of the havoc he has caused, Mowbray re-statue-fies the gods and then turns the ray on himself and his new love, so that they can enter eternity together. MAJOR SPOILER!! It's all a dream. Mowbray awakens in an ambulance following an explosion in his lab and finds that he's imagined it all, but the daughter of his grounds-keeper, who's accompanying him to the hospital, is also "Meg", the girl he's fallen in love with in his dream, so all ends happily. Not the best adaptation of a Thorne Smith lark (TOPPER would hold that distinction), but still a nice way to kill 73 minutes.

originally posted by Macaroni on 2000-05-27, no edits, entryid=5409