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X-Men: Millennial Visions
  • Categories:Animal, Mechanical, Gender, Comic Book
  • Title "Millennial Visions",
  • Issue: One Shoot
  • Cover Date: August 2000
  • (c) Marvel Comcis


This issue is a one shot of possible futures of the X-men, Alternate Realities, inspired by the Ages of Apocalypse storyline.
An interesting TF that will probably never take place but is touted as a possible future and not an alternate reality. Suffice it to say this is a rarity as it has a picture of F->M and M->F X-Men.

In this one-shot book, various possible futures for the X-Men are suggested. A couple of them have gender changes, including one fun possibility where the entire team gets their genders reversed by a villainous monkey.

This issue is a one shot of possible futures of the X-men, Alternate Realities, inspired by the Ages of Apocalypse storyline.
In one of the Alternate Universes the X-Men become human hunting Sentinels over the period of a couple of Centuries.

This issue is a one shot of possible futures of the X-men, Alternate Realities, inspired by the Ages of Apocalypse storyline.
In one of the Alternate Universes there is a set of them as dogs called the ReX-Dogs.

originally posted by indyj on 2000-06-17, 6 edits, entryid=5327