- Categories:Animal, Short Story
- Title "Immersion", In "Science Fiction Age", (C) 1996, Adult
Content, Body Swap, Possession, Sci-Fi, Suspense
In the future, a scientest and his wife go on vacation to an animal
preserve in Africa. This preserve is equiped with technology that
allows the visitors to place their minds in the bodies of animals
for brief periods. The scientist and his wife have been marked for
death by a multi-national corporation that blames his predictions
of political and economic trends for causing them to lose a lot of
money. The corporation bribes a park technician to help them kill
the couple. He causes the two to become trapped in the bodies of
chimpanzees, knowing that if they are the chimps are killed, the
couple will die as well. After a long struggle, the couple manage
to return to their normal bodies
originally posted by Dale Ribbons on 2000-07-09, no edits, entryid=5264
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