- Categories:Gender, Female, Adult Movie
- (C) 1995, Cast: (roommate) Shayla, Cast: (roommate) Alexis, Cast:
(channel) Serenity , Adult Content, Body Swap, Magic, Fantasy,
Sci-Fi, On Video
Two feuding roommates swap bodies while they sleep thanks to a
magical stone. One is an adult film star while the other is more of
a prude. They must take over each other's place until they can find
Serenity to swap them back. Good acting. Entire movie is based upon
this switch. Recommended highly.

A scene in the middle has a middle age man 'morph' (good effects)
into a person from a previous life - a young woman. She then has
sex with the female fortune teller that transformed her/him.
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by anonymous on 2000-07-24, 1 edit, entryid=5240
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