- Categories:Inanimate, Television Episode
- Title "Statuesque", Episode: ?, (C) 1996?, Magic, Action, Comedy,
Fantasy, Animated
Wayland Jeepers has created a magical watch which can turn living
beings into stone.He tries to use it on Freakazoid, but Steffi,
Freakazoid's girlfriend,pushes him out of the way and gets 'stoned'
herself. Freakazoid and his friends, Cosgrove and Jonesy, track
down Jeepers to Venice Beach. Jonesy resents being left to push
around Steffi in a cart, and decides to sell her as artwork. After
a fight with Jeepers and his pet monster Vorn, Freakazoid gets his
hands on the watch and restores Steffi to normal.
originally posted by Dale Ribbons on 2000-08-04, no edits, entryid=5213
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