- Categories:Gender, Television Episode
- Title "Brandi,You're A Fine Girl", Episode: ??, (C) 2000, Comedy
Finch's old friend, Bert, is coming to visit. Finch is shocked to
learn that Bert has become Brandi, a sexy young woman. He manages
to overcome his shock and the two start to be friends again. Then,
Finch starts to have feelings of lust. When he tries to act on
them, Brandi rejects him and says that she doesn't have those types
of feelings for him. Then, she goes out on a date with his boss.
The spirit of David Carradine tells Finch to keep his mouth shut,
which he does. Pretty funny stuff.
originally posted by Dale Ribbons on 2000-11-17, 1 edit, entryid=5058
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