- Categories:Gender, Short Story
- Title "Looking for Rhonda Honda", In "The Chick is in the Mail",
(C) 2000, Trivial, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Anton York*, the 45th President of the United States, has himself
morphed into a beautiful blonde, runs away from the White House,
joins the Devil Dolls (a Roadgrrl gang) and as-sumes the nomme de
guerre Rhonda Honda
- Note: the president is never referred to by name in the story; the
name Anton York comes from an old Star Trek comic in which the
Enterprise crew is introduced to a ro- bot double of Anton York,
the 45th U.S. President.
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by Glammazon on 2000-12-02, no edits, entryid=5035
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