- Categories:Misc, Comic Book
- Title "Pocket Full of Neptonite/Shock&Roll", Issue: 77&78,
Antartic Press, Magic, Action, Comedy
Containing probably nearly every type of transformation in two
issues. In #76 warlocks attempt to capture Henrietta Porter, Mimi's
new apprentice. When Tomorrow Girl interferes they use Neptonite on
her(her weakness), but Henrietta blasts it with magic and it
transforms people(one panel at the end of the issue so I didn't
include it). In the two issues, transformations are size(Sorela
becomes 50 feet tall), furry(Ricky, Yumei and Tetsuo),
inanimate(when stealing the Neptonite the warlocks turned Ichy into
a statue), gender(the warlocks became witches), mechanical(Officer
Teri becomes a transformer), age(Mrs.Feeple gets younger) and
Prof.Steamhead becomes steam. At the end everyone is turned back,
except the warlocks(who are left female as punishment).
originally posted by anonymous on 2001-01-05, no edits, entryid=5004
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