- Categories:Inanimate, Television Episode
- Title "Miniature", Episode: ??, (C) 1963, Magic, Drama, Fantasy
Robert Duvall plays Charly, a shy bachelor who lives with his
mother. While touring a museum, he finds a 19th century doll house.
Inside is what he thinks is a mechanical doll, female, playing
music. He learns that the doll isn't mechanical, but wood.
Eventually, Charly falls in love with the doll, which only comes to
life when he's looking, and everybody else thinks he's lost his
marbles. At the end of the episode, a museum guard discovers Charly
has joined the doll in her display and both are happy. A great
episode, far better than my attempt to describe it.
originally posted by Dale Ribbons on 2001-01-05, no edits, entryid=5003
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