- Categories:Age, Mythical, Computer Game
- Game System: PC, Magic, Possession, Action
Indy Joins with Sophia Hapgood from the Fate of Atlantis game to
uncover the real secret behind the Tower of Babel myth. Strange
beings from the Aetherium lead by a ghost like flying creature
named Marduk gave them the technology. Indy goes to the Aetherium
realm to rescue Sophia. At one point near the end of the game
Sophia gets posessed by Marduk, transforming her into a kind of
harpy. Pretty intense looking.
A major quest in the game is to get the 'treasure' for an old
tibetan mystic. You find the treasure is a plant that restores the
woman's youth. Its a major quest but a kind of minor TF in that it
is a poof and its done type. She then singlehandedly moves a giant
wooden beam that even Indy couldn't move.
originally posted by Indy Jones on 2001-03-06, 1 edit, entryid=4937
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