- Categories:Gender, Television Episode
- Title "Bride and Gloom", (C) 2001, Series, Shapeshifter, Comedy,
Drama, Horror
- Series: Charmed
Male warlock disguises himself as Piper and later Prue in order to
obtain the Book of Shadows.
Of course Prue won't give Zile
the warlock (Tom O'Brien) what
he needs for his evil plan. |
2. But if she won't give it to Zile ... |
3. ... perhaps she'd be more
willing to give it to her sister,
Piper (Holly Marie Combs)?
1. Piper and Phoebe fight Zile
(Tom O'Brien), but he has
made Prue (Shannen Doherty)
evil, and she is now on his
side. |
2. The sisters won't harm Prue
but want to destroy Zile in order
to make Prue good again. |
3. But what if they can't tell
which is the real Prue?
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by kennedy on 2001-05-27, 5 edits, entryid=4849
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