- Categories:Age, Television Episode
- Title "Our Selena Is Dying", (C) 1988, Episode, Body Thief, Slow
Change, Horror, Mystery
A young doctor "inherits" an old and moribund patient from his
father's practice and finds her near death. Also living in the
house is a beautiful and cruel young woman and her senile "mother",
supposedly the dying matriarch's sister. Another niece is summoned
to take care of the near-dead woman, and immediately the old woman
begins to regain her vitality and outward appearance of health,
while the new niece starts looking and feeling old. Investigating,
the doctor discovers that the old woman and her cruel "niece" are
able to suck the youth from others and have been doing so for
years. Not only that, but the "niece's" "mother" is actually her
own daughter, psychically vampirized of her youth by her mother.
During this confrontation, a gas lantern is spilled, setting the
house on fire. The first old lady and the victimized elderly
daughter are killed, tho the doctor escapes (the second niece is
safe in a hospital). No trace of the beautiful "niece" is found,
however, even tho neighbors saw a burning figure running from the
home. At the end, an indigent, nameless, and elderly street woman
is confined to a hospital bed, wrapped entirely in bandages. The
doctors hold no hope at all for her recovery, even tho her right
arm is mysteriously healing with fantastic speed. Outside her room,
a befuddled nurse is showing her own right arm to a fellow worker,
a right arm with a strange burn that she doesn't recall having
received . . . . While this show (based on an original story by the
late Rod Serling) was produced in 1988, I didn't see it until last
week (12/6/01) on the TNT Network. Macaroni
originally posted by Macaroni on 2001-12-11, no edits, entryid=4624
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