- Categories:Animal, Monster, Size, Inanimate, Magical, Video Game
- Final Fantasy:
NES, as Origins on PlayStation, as Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of
Souls on Game Boy Advance, and on PSP.
- Final Fantasy II:
Famicom (Japan only), as Origins on PlayStation, as Final Fantasy
I & II: Dawn of Souls on Game Boy Advance, and on PSP.
- Final Fantasy III:
Famicom (Japan only) and Nintendo DS
- Final Fantasy IV: as Final Fantasy II on SNES, as Final Fantasy IV as part of Final
Fantasy Chronicles, as Final Fantasy IV Advance on Game Boy
Advance, and upcoming on Nintendo DS.
- Final Fantasy V:
Super Famicom (Japan only SNES equivalent), as part of Final
Fantasy Anthology on PlayStation, as Final Fantasy V Advance on
Game Boy Advance.
- Final Fantasy VI:
as Final Fantasy III on SNES, as Final Fantasy VI as part of Final
Fantasy Anthology on PlayStation, as Final Fantasy VI Advance on
Game Boy.
- Final Fantasy Adventure:
on Game Boy
- (c)Square-Enix
Characters can be shrunk as part of a status change or magic spell,
Status changes include characters being turned into:
- Frogs in Final Fantasy III
- Pigs in Final Fantasy IV
Status changes include characters being turned into:
- Imps in Final Fantasy VI
- Moogles in Final Fantasy Adventure
Characters can be petrified into living statues, either by a spell
or status effect weapon by various attacks (i.e. Cocktrice attack
or Medusa stare). Then, with the right potion or spell, they can be
returned to their normal form. This is different then just being
under the influence of Stop Magic, as when you are Stone, you
cannot take damage, and you do not just change back at the end of
originally posted by D.Dragon on 2002-01-29, 6 edits, entryid=4580
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