- Categories:Animal, Short Story
- Title "Familar Face", In "100 Creepy Little creature Stories", Body
Swap, Body Thief, Magic, Fantasy, Horror
Unsympathetic college student Randy finds a strange 'rat' it
becomes his familar. Through asking it for help he gains a
beautiful girlfriend who had earlier disliked him, gets good grades
and even kills his roomate. So, so, story with a terrific ending.
Spoiler: The rat famailar claims his price for help. At the end 'it' swaps
bodies with the student and has sex with the girl and then as she
cries out - "Randy, I hate that thing, get rid of it!" And the new
Randy chokes the life out of the 'rat'.The familar will now live
Randy's great life.
originally posted by Eric on 2002-02-21, no edits, entryid=4525
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