- Categories:Size, Television Episode
- season 2, episode 44. First aired 3/4/1990
A professor and his female assistant stumble upon a race of
intelligent micro-organisms. When the female assistant talked to to
small and minority group of the micro-organisms and found out what
the plan the majority of the micro-organisms planned to do, the
professor refused to believe her, and shrinked her down to the
micro-organisms' size, and was killed by the race of the
Then, the micro-orgranisms requested the professor to enable them
to live in salty water/enviroment, so they could soon live within
the professor and worship him as the god. When he finally took a
syringe to take the micro-organisms and injected them into his
body, he was taken over by the micro-organisms, which planned to
take over our world all along.
originally posted by The Gambler on 2006-07-07, no edits, entryid=449
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