- Categories:Gender, Book
- Title "Rhialto the Marvellous", (C) 1984, Adult Content, Magic,
Comedy, Fantasy
Although written and published as a novel, this book is actually
composed of three shorter works put together. In the first of
these, "The Murthe", an ancient sorceress (the female leader in a
war between Witches and Wizards) returns to the Dying Earth after
Aeons in hiding. In order to solidify her power base, she turns a
number of magicians into women, but is ulitimately defeated and
they are changed back. The gender changes are handled in a rather
off-handed manner, and not much is made of them before the
characters are turned back.
originally posted by Zelmane on 2002-04-03, no edits, entryid=4464
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