- Categories:Were, Gender, Book
- Title "Operation Chaos", (C) 1971, Magic, Shapeshifter, Fantasy,
In part of the book, Steve and Ginny are on their honeymoon when
they meet up with a Succubus, a male demon with lust powers,
'living' in a haunted castle. The incubus turns into a beautiful
succubus, or female demon, in order to seduce Steve. This part of
the novel was actually first published as the short story
"Operation Incubus", but was re-written to fit into the novel.
Set in an alternate universe where magic exists. Thje main
character, Steve Matuchek, is a horror film actor who can truly
become the werewolf he portrays on screen. He quits acting to join
the military, where he meets his future wife, Ginny. The book is
actually four short stories featuring the two characters re-edited
into novel format.
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by Dale Ribbons on 2002-08-03, 3 edits, entryid=4239
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