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  • Categories:Gender, Age, Movie
  • (C) (McNulty, little girl) Alyson Croft, 76 mins, Cast: (McNulty, male) Art LaFleur, (McNulty, little girl) Alyson Croft, Possession, Action, Sci-Fi, On Video


Art LaFleur plays McNulty, a rough and tough trooper (cop) from the year 2247 who doesn't get along with the movie's hero, Jack Deth. Jack is sent back in time to stop a criminal (Whistler) from killing the ancestors of a group of council members who lead the future society, effectively erasing the existence of the council members.

To travel back in time to 1985 you must inhabit the body of one of your ancestors. When another council member ceases to exist the council orders McNulty to travel to 1985 and contact Jack Deth. Unfortunately for McNulty his only relative in 1985 Los Angeles is a small girl (played by Alyson Croft). She does a great job portraying the character of the older (male) cop, and this is made even better by Jack's reaction to his old adversary.

An enjoyable movie, and the age transformation, while minor on screen, is very well done and quite entertaining. If you like this movie, also check out Trancers 2 where McNulty is forced to travel back into his female ancestor's body -- as a teenage girl and for much more time on-screen.

Available on video and DVD.

Time travel works by possessing the body of an ancestor in the past. A male cop, McNulty, possesses a little girl to give the hero a message. Brief.

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2 Review: Trancers
Started by Julius Ackermann, Last Post by anonymous
268 months

originally posted by anonymous on 2002-09-02, 1 edit, entryid=4189