- Categories:Gender, Television Episode
- Title "Lessons", Episode: 123, (C) 2002, Shapeshifter, Fantasy,
Horror, Suspense
At the very end of the episode, Warren, who was killed in the
previous season, appeared and bragged about his big scheme to
Spike. Warren then turned into Glory(FEMALE), who is also dead.
Glory turned into Adam (MALE), who became Mayor Wilkins(M), who
became Drusilla(F), Spike's lover, who became the Master(M). In
each case, the villain acted just as they had when they previously
appeared on the show. Finally, the Master turned into ... Buffy
herself! This is just the beginning of a plot that will probably
run the entire season.
Warren appears and then in
front of the audience... |
...morphs into Glory
of Season 5.
Next, she walks and looking
from her side, she morphs... |
Into Adam.
Season 4's Adam. |
Adam drops down and morphs into (we don't see this) the Mayor. |
Next, we see a hand but it's not the Mayor's, but Drusilla.
Then, Drusilla morphs into... |
The Master of Season 1. |
And finally, the Master
(we don't see a F2F transformation) transforms into ...Buffy!
originally posted by Dale Ribbons on 2002-09-25, no edits, entryid=4146
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