- Categories:Gender, Television Episode
- Title "Trading Faces", (C) 2002, Episode, Body Swap, Animated
Do not follow the show, but the basic plot seems that Jimmy Neutron
is a genius. He invents a Mind reading device and uses it at show
and tell. However, Cindy makes a fool out of him. So he goes and
upgrades the device. To test it he calls her and starts to listen
to her mind, when lightning strikes and they swap bodies, but in
the other persons body, they retained their own voice. They then
spend the next week in each others bodies making a fool of each
other. They get each other into detention, and other things.
Perhaps one of the funniest things was Cindy in the Body of Jimmy
comes to class in a dress. So that really is not cross-dressing is
it? A girl in the body of a guy wearing girl clothes? Anyways, in
the end, Jimmy creates a device that collects all of their thoughts
and then their friends separate them into the appropriate bodies.
Cindy as Jimmy...
Jimmy as Cindy! |
Jimmy can't deal with being Cindy.
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by guy on 2002-10-15, no edits, entryid=4115
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