- Categories:Female, Television Episode
- Title "Mirror, Mirror", Episode: 35, (C) 1998, Episode, Body Thief,
Possession, Horror, Mystery, Suspense
A rich old woman live with her niece, whom also act as her
caretaker. Old woman's young boyfriend dipping into both women, and
later worked with the niece to kill the old woman, by pushing her
down a flight of stairs. After the mouring period and reading of
the will, the niece got the house and all the wealth. Then she
start to see her old aunt in the mirror, frighten her to the point
of scaring both lovebirds.
In the end, the young boyfriend woke up and found the niece had
been taken over by the dead aunt. He was surprised and frighten
enough that he died the same way the old woman did, falling down
the same flight of stairs.
First air May 04, 1998
originally posted by The Gambler on 2002-10-23, no edits, entryid=4102
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