- Categories:Female, Television Episode
- Title "Consumers", Episode: 29, (C) 1998, Episode, Body Swap, Body
Thief, male to male, female to female
A supermarket next to retirement home has become the favorite hang
out for those old people. They come to the store to shop---for
their next life and body, with selection from those works at the
supermarket, with a owner willing to sell his empolyees, and the
Isle 5 freezer section that keeps on freezing unsuspecting
The main character, a young 20 years old guy, first lost his best
pal at work to an old man. Then he lost his girlfriend, a teen
girl, to a old woman that happen to be the old man's wife.
First air Feb 23, 1998. 30 minutes long episode.
Episode guide :
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by The Gambler on 2002-10-23, no edits, entryid=4101
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