- Categories:Gender, Television Episode
- Series: Jackie Chan Adventures
- Title "Sheep In, Sheep Out", Episode: 60, (C) 2002, Series, Body
Swap, Magic, Action, Fantasy, Animated
Twelve magic powers have been unleashed into the world, and the
heroes of the series, Jackie, his niece Jade, and his spell
wielding uncle, must race to claim them before a dark chi wizard
The power they are racing for in this episode is the power of
astral projection. Unfortunately, the dark chi wizard claims it
first, and quickly uses it to evict the astral forms of Jackie and
Jade from their bodies, and then casts a spell to keep them from
returning to their bodies.
When Jackie's uncle learns of this he attempts to counter the spell
and reunite the astral forms with their bodies. He's mostly
successful, as Jackie ends up in Jade's body, and Jade ends up in
Jackie's body.
originally posted by anonymous on 2002-11-14, 3 edits, entryid=4050
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