- Categories:Age, Television Episode
- Series: Sabrina, The Animated Series
- Title "Anywhere but Here", Episode: 1-14, (C) 1999, Magic, Comedy,
Sabrina is tired of being treated like a child - curfews, school,
small allowance, no admittance to PG-13 movies - so Salem gives her
an enchanted watch that makes her an adult and transports her into
a world where she is a grownup. There Sabrina learns of the hassles
of grown-up life - adult responsibilities, jobs, bills, taking care
of her own kids. Sabrina decides being a preteen is not so bad. But
the enchanted watch has a time limit on it, and if she doesn't
return by 6:00 PM she'll be stuck in her adult world forever!
originally posted by Cobe on 2002-11-22, 1 edit, entryid=4031
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